No, your iPad is not getting MacOS. Stop asking

This is going to be a short post as I have already touched on this topic a while ago. Recently there has been an increase in iPad related talk on the internet, mostly on Apple forums, news sites and reddit. On sentiment I see time after time in the comments is stupid. “The iPad is held back by iPadOS. We need MacOS on the iPad.”  

Is my future offline?

As I’m sure many of you have noticed, I have recently been on something of a cleanse. Ejecting things from my life which I feel are no longer relevant. Trying my best to live intentionally and considering what adds value to my life, and what are things which I use as crouches for someone I used to be. Towards the end of this year, I am hoping to be in a financial position where I can buy a camper van and have little weekend excursions with my dog.

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NewsExplorer seems pretty good so far. RSS win. I guess.

Today have learned that my RSS reader (Reeder+) doesn’t have an export. Oddly this made me want to leave, so i installed NewsExplorer. Seems pretty good so far.

Digital Minimalism?

I have spent some time reading the Cal newport book ‘Digital Minimalism.’ I’m not that far in, but I picked it up because I was feeling a ‘thing,’ the book, so far, has made me double feel that ‘thing.’ I need to write a full post about the ‘thing.’ The ‘thing,’ if anyone is wondering, is the realisation that I am unhappy with the amount of time I spend attached to the internet, and to my screens.

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Few days into DAP life now. I love having a music player which doesn’t expect more from me than to hit the play button.

Do you ever make a purchase and then think “that was dumb, I should not have done that” ?

My wisdom tooth is uncomfortable this morning.

Bible translation comparisons and thoughts, from an interested reader.

Recently I was reading the translation notes in my NLT bible and there were a few lines which made me raise an eyebrow. This led me to go on a bit of a deep dive into all the translations which I read. I am not an expert and all information provided can be found online with ease. All I did was read and collate it with some thoughts.

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Imagine a world where Things got worn out when you looked at them. Like erosion of viewing. I think it happens in some ways, on a personal level, the more I look at a thing the less I appreciate it. Maybe it’s me being depleted, not the things I look at.

Why doesn’t apple mail have a share sheet? It’s infuriating

It’s foggy today. I assume this is because 2025 has started loading.

My 2024, in review.

The end of the year is looming, and we approach the dark, melancholic week which sets its home between Christmas and the new year. Like a troll on a bridge, the week of limbo must be defeated to pass into the glorious bastion of twenty twenty-five. Which, is an overly dramatic way of saying that it’s the time of year when I reflect on where I am and how I got here.

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My desk now contains a MacBook air, two iPads (don’t ask,) a bluetooth speaker and a usb chargeable reading lamp. There is something awesome about an all battery-powered desk. I don’t know why, but it gives me great joy.

Merry Christmas.

I wrote a ‘novella’ – Of Gods and Vampires. A Denouement story.

I wrote a ‘novella’ (it’s a long novella…) Please see below for a download in PDF format. Of Gods and Vampires is an episodic story set inside the Denouement universe, the Denouemeverse, if you like. DOWNLOAD PDF Also, because it’s Christmas DOWNLOAD TXT Oh, and… DOWNLOAD DOCX EPUB is available on request. Because I can’t figure out how to make WordPress let me upload it right now! I ask for nothing for this, I worked hard on it, though.

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Towards the light.

Recently I tried the dark mode on my Kindle for the first time since I have had it. It’s strange that I ever tried it at all, give that in the decade or more I have been using Kindles, it has never before occurred to me that dark mode maybe a viable option. My verdict after an hour was this: Dark mode is awful. It’s a horrible way to read.

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I have decided that now my headaches are ‘under control’ I no longer need to think of dark mode as an accessibility issue. So, I’m going to try ‘light by default’ for a few weeks

I’m considering replacing GoodLinks with DEVONthink. Since I already use DT, my initial reason for using GoodLinks to save articles was to avoid cluttering my notes. Now that I understand DT better, I realise I can separate the databases and adopt a more holistic approach to managing my PKMS

I think I have become someone who enjoys classical music. You know, like meatloaf and rush.